
عطر أريلجي الخالي من الكحول 30 مل


جوهر Arilje ؛ رائحة مبهجة مستوحاة من منطقة Arilje في صربيا ، أوروبا. عطر شفاف مائي وخالي من الكحول.


توت أحمر وورود كرز ، مع نكهات الليتشي الساحرة وأوراق حلوى البرالين الناعمة. هناء. 

خالٍ من القسوة ، نباتي 100٪ ، طبيعي 85٪

خالية من: البارابين والزيوت المعدنية والبترول والسيليكون و DEA والألوان الاصطناعية والكبريتات والفثالات.

المكونات: أكوا (ماء) * ، بيج -35 زيت الخروع ** ، عطر (عطر) ** ، الجلسرين * ، ليفولينات الصوديوم * ، أنيسات الصوديوم * ، لينالول *** ، السترال *** ، سينامال ***.
* المكونات الطبيعية ، ** مواد تركيبية آمنة ، *** توجد بشكل طبيعي في الزيوت العطرية

If you have any questions or comments for us, feel free to call us at +44 (0) 2034757997. We're available to take your call between 9am to 5pm GMT Monday to Friday excluding UK bank holidays. You can also email us at office@tiyati.co.uk

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Lauren Bennett
Smells incredible!

Smells really lovely, and last all day. I’m really sensitive to smells and figured out alcohol in perfumes is to overpowering for me. So after discovering this perfume and giving it a go, I can honestly say I’m super impressed. I’ve tried many perfumes but this is the only one where I can actually smell the sent. I can’t wait to try more of their scents, especially the vanilla scent. Highly recommend. Fast delivery and even came with a free gift, a sample of one there shampoo bars.

Catherine H
Gorgeous fragrance

I wasn’t sure what to expect but I’ve been keen to find a perfume without the string alcohol undertone. This is the first one I tried and the tones described appealed to me.
Fast delivery and a lovely product. The scent is wonderful, really vibrant and I love spraying this on every day now. No way to guess that it’s alcohol free, the aroma is clean and lasting. I love it. No going back to anything else for me. And no harsh alcohol/spirit like aromas which is wonderful.

My new favourite perfume

this is my new favourite perfume

I am LOVE it

A wonderful fragrance, on each different. The only ones after which I am not allergic. I'm love it

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